Our Purpose
Transformer la matière ensemble pour un monde plus durable.
Our Purpose
Notre vision
Nous voulons être l’une des usines de zinc les plus efficaces, rentables et concurrentielles au monde, aujourd’hui et demain, où le talent de tous les employés est mis à contribution, où personne ne se blesse ni ne développe de maladie professionnelle, et ceci dans une démarche de développement durable et d’amélioration continue inspirante et de grande portée.
Our Values
SafetyWe never compromise on safety. We look out for one another and stop work if it's not safe.
IntegrityWe have the courage to do what's right, even when it’s hard. We do what we say and treat each other fairly and with respect.
ResponsibilityWe take responsibility for our actions. We talk and listen to others to understand what they expect from us. We work to improve our commercial, social and environmental performance.
OpennessWe're honest and straightforward when we communicate. We push ourselves to improve by sharing information and encouraging dialogue and feedback.
SimplicityWe work efficiently and focus on what’s important. We avoid unnecessary complexity and look for simple, pragmatic solutions.
EntrepreneurialismWe encourage new ideas and quickly adapt to change. We're always looking for new opportunities to create value and find better and safer ways of working.